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Lake Winnebago Featured in Travel Article

Lake Winnebago was recently included in an article for Yahoo Travel. Check it out!




Thanks to Alex Monroe for the great find. There are other great lakes listed in the article as well, Lakes Superior and Michigan, to name two.

Door County Breeze Results

Sorry for the late write up everybody, but here are the scores from the Door County Breeze.  The weekend started on Friday with the fun sail.  I was unable to attend the Friday sail, but I heard there was a great wind.  As the pictures show, it appears that the wind was quite nice.

For the racing on Saturday and Sunday the winds were not as cooperative.  The winds never got over 10 mph, but we were still able to get 3 races in on Saturday and 3 on Sunday.  Magnus came out strong on the first race with a bullet after I lead for the first lap.  He was fast all weekend on a charter Phantom 320 and a Severne raceboard 8.5.  I got my starts dialed in, and I finished with two firsts.

On Sunday, Mike Reed was on fire in the light winds.  He flew around the course and took bullets in the first two races.  Magnus, Andy (on a 7.5), Peter, and I were also up front mixing it up.  The last race of the day I was able to get another great start and finish in first.

A big thanks goes out to Steve and his family for putting on this event.  Everybody, racers and non racers seemed to have a great time in the crystal clear waters, and the home made dinner was great once again.

The next big race this year is the Kona North American Championships in Waconia, MN.  I just received word that there are still a few openings for charter boards.  This is a great opportunity for one design racing with some great windsurfers.

The scores can be found attached below.

2012 Door County Breeze A Fleet Results

2012 Door County Breeze Sport Fleet

2012 Door County Breeze Workshop

Fair Winds,

Alex Monroe

PBC Regatta (Toledo Ohio)

Six windsurfers battled each other in the Perryburg Boat Club regatta Saturday July 28th on the mighty Maumee River just south of Toledo Ohio.     Winds were a favorable down the river NE direction with light 8 mph breezes and a few rare 15 mph puffs.       Six races were ran in total with a lunch served up by the members of PBC.     The RC ran a tight two start sequence with a starting air cannon that could be heard for miles.     The course was a triangle until Dr. Drag the Mark Glenn Gardner rearranged the windward mark the first three times he went around it .. costing him a chance at winning the event.     Eric  Rahnenfuerher sailed Irene, his hydrofoil with a 9.0 sail and got a second place in the one race that had several good wind puffs.  Eric has been experimenting for years now with the concept and can plane up in really light puffs.   The board he found abandoned in Hatteras after hurricane Irene almost destroyed it.

Below Scott Fohey receives his first place flag from PBC Commodore Don Hoste with RC member John Bureau presiding.



PBC will be celebrating 75 years next season.   They have a fleet of Sunfish which was the other division in the regatta.   The Sunfish were start one and with a three minute head start most of them finished before the windsurfers.

Windsurfer Division results:
1 Scott Folhey   (Detriot)
2 Chris Berry   (Perrysburg)
3 Glenn Gardner (Detriot)
4 Scott Haas (Perrysburg)
5 Eric  Rahnenfuerher  (Cleveland)
6 Frank Murray   (Detriot)

Scott #H


Reservoir Rendezvous

The New London Ohio Reservoir Rendezvous went off without a hitch again this year.  The city supplied trophies .. the campground sold T-shirts they printed up for the event ..   there was no entry fee ..  a food ticket for lunch, supper, breakfast was $20 .. the weather and winds cooperated nicely.     A great crowd of about 60 people attended plus several dogs.      Robby cooked yummy  fried calamari until midnight on Friday and again as an appetizer on Saturday evening.      Below .. on the right .. chef Carl inspects the meat.

The park has a new public grill !


Thanks to Mark Ulicki for overseeing the skipper meetings, running the start sequence and results scoring duties.   Eric Rahnenfueher set course buoys utilizing the water space.     Three rival Ohio groups (BONCs -  Boardheads of North Coast from the Cleveland area), COWS (Columbus Organization of Windsurfers)  and TABAs (Toledo Area Boardsailing Association) battled on the course.     Six races were ran in 5 to 10 mph winds on Saturday and four more extra long races on Sunday morning.   The awards were given out and most people were on their way home by 2:30 ish.  Below some of the group taking in nourishment with part of camp windsurf in the background.

Camp Windsurf

It was great to again see lots of kids on the water learning to windsurf.        Friday afternoon things really went off and several of us tuned up on a strong easterly wind that even brought out the shortboards.   We believe  the surrounding corn fields must supercharge the air!      After the awards ceremony on Sunday about a dozen people were still on the water powered up by some nuclear level west winds as a westerly heat front blew in with gale force.     The elevated New London Reservoir is maybe Ohio’s best kept windsurfing secret spot ..  it seems to produce wind even when none is forecasted.    Hope to see you there in July 2013!

Results Fleet Overall     Results by Division

More Pictures         Some More Pictures        Some Video





Announcement: 2012 CAN-AM Windsurf Race Challenge

On behalf of Tom Mae, here is an Announcement for the 2012 CAN-AM Windsurf Race Challenge:


Windsurfing Canada has announced 2012 CAN-AM Windsurf Race Challenge for both WC Ontario Sailing Windsurf races

OSA Race 4 Beacon Marina, Lake Scugog, July 14
OSA Race 5 Toronto Windsurfing Club, Toronto, Sept 15
and at the
WC Canadian Windsurfing Championships, held in the windy city of Kingston, Ontario, Aug 10-11-12

The Raceboard and Kona Class fleets welcome our American windsurfers to join us at these great events.

KONA, TECHNO 293, RS:X, FORMULA, RACEBOARD,PRODIGY will be recognised at these events

To register for WC-OSA races and for more info, contact:

To register for Canadian Championships go to