Teleconference Call April 26th, 2009 9 PM CST

April 26th we have a scheduled call. 10 PM EST 9 PM CST

Check your email for details and call in number

Additionally, if there are open issues you would like to get in front of everyone before the call starts, please make that known so some of the debate can circulate on email to minimize the time of the call to no more than say 1 hour.

My thanks to Craig and all the Race Directors who have already forwarded their 2009 MOWIND dues, as this effort helps us greatly.

The agenda I propose is to allow a brief update from each committee and effort:

2009 officers and cabinet members include:
President:  Philip Sage
VP/Secretary: Ulf Jentler
Treasurer: Craig Bergh
Scorer:  Brad Woodworth
News: Scott Haas
Commitees include:
Calendar: Arnie Cleveland
Awards: Kevin Gratton,  ?? (Who volunteered to help Kevin?)
Sponsorships/Raffle: Kevin Gratton, Scott Haas, Jeff Koeberl
Yahoo Forum and Web site: Arden Anderson , Ulf Jentler, Scott Haas, Philip Sage
Old Business/New Issues

1) Changes to MOWIND Scoring – Proposal by Arden

2) How to include MWSQ in the MOWIND points/MOWIND events – Consensus Kevin, Woody, Arden, Phil, Craig

3) Regatta’s just a few days away!

4) raffles!