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Door County Breeze Notice of Race

The Door County Breeze is a fantastic event in Ephraim, WI June 29 – July 1.

The Notice of Race is online at:  https://mowind.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/Door-County-Breeze-NOR-2012.pdf

You can get more information at:  http://www26.brinkster.com/dcbreeze/


Take advantage of the great events this summer!

Arden, EL-11

Worthington Results

The Lake Okabena winds delivered big time for the 2012 event after being lighter than normal in 2009, 2010, and most of the 2011 event. We had four more races Sunday in fantastic 20-30 mph winds, after completing 5 races in 15-25+ mph winds on Saturday.

Once again, Jeff Hegwer, Jason Swanson, and Ann Gratton did a fantastic job on Race Committee. Thank you for making the event run so smoothly. Also, thank you to the City of Worthington and all of the other event organizers. Worthington is one of the most windsurfer-friendly cities in the country and MOWIND appreciates the hospitality every year.

Check out some of the great regatta coverage at the Worthington Daily Globe website: http://www.dglobe.com/event/tag/tag/regatta/

They have a nice Photo Gallery (I included some pictures below).

Race Results:  A Fleet  |  Kona Fleet  |  Sport Fleet  |  Workshop



Sailboard Beach at Worthington

Here are some pictures from Sunday morning. The wind is here and races are getting ready. Te music festival is also getting ready for their third day.

Check out the Worthington Daily Globe for more coverage.

Arden, EL-11












Day 1 at Worthington

Lots of wind today. 15-30 mph and pretty gusty towards the beach and a bit more consistent on the outside. We did 5 races with Adam and Arden Anderson tied for the lead in A-Fleet, both posting 1-1-2-3-(3) scores. Steve Johnson is 3 points back in third with 1-2-3-4-(5).

Mark Schmitz is leading the Sport Fleet, Steve Callaway is leading in Kona, and Kale Johnson is leading the Workshop fleet.

Tomorrow’s forecast is for 20-30 again, with larger gusts and some storms in the afternoon.

Arden, EL-11

Getting ready at Worthington

The wind is here and the Race Committee is getting ready. It should e great racing all day.

Arden, EL-11


