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20th Annual Door County Breeze Coming Up – Don’t Miss It!

The 20th annual Door County Breeze is right around the corner, June 28-30. This is a great event for racers, new windsurfers, and families alike. I’ll see you there!

More information is available at these locations:

Website - http://www26.brinkster.com/dcbreeze/

Regatta Info: http://www26.brinkster.com/dcbreeze/info.html

Regatta reports and results from previous years: https://mowind.org/wp/?page_id=47


Take advantage of the great MOWIND events this summer!

Arden, EL-11

2013 Worthington Report

Racers were treated to another wonderful Worthington Windsurfing Regatta last weekend, despite subpar weather. Saturday had rain throughout the day but we still managed to complete 3 races in 10-20+ mph winds. Arden Anderson won all three races to pace the A Fleet, with Alex Monroe grabbing all the seconds and Adam Anderson and Peter Hartwich grabbed the 3rd’s. Randy Howell paced the Kona fleet with three bullets as well, while Randy Moon and Del Carpenter made chase. Andrea Gratton showed her skills in Sport Fleet by completing all the races in the challenging gusty conditions.

Sunday had nicer weather for the spectators and we completed 4 more races in 5-10 mph wind. Adam Anderson had a nose for the wind and great speed around the course to win all 4 races and take the regatta crown. Alex Monroe kept his streak of 2nd’s going to hold onto second place and push Arden Anderson back to 3rd place. Andy Gratton overcame the flu to race on Sunday taking several 3rd place finishes. Mike Fox showed great skill in the conditions as well to win all 4 Kona races while Jeff Adamski made him work for it while grabbing all the 2nd’s. Despite their efforts, Randy Howell was able to maintain his position in 1st for the victory and Randy Moon held onto 2nd while Mike Fox worked his way into 3rd place. Andrea Gratton continued to lead the Sport Fleet.

Results:  A Fleet  |  Kona  |  Sport

Photos of the event are also online at the Worthington Daily Globe: LINK

Thank you to Jeff Hegwer, Ann Gratton, and the rest of the RC, as well as all of the event organizers, and the welcoming city of Worthington. We are all looking forward to the big event next year!

Dam Jam 2013 Report

The crew at the Saylorville Dam Jam delivered once again. Great shirts (rashguards this year), great camping, great food, great people, great racing, and GREAT WEATHER! I don’t know how they do it every year, but I sure am glad they do it like they do. We were treated to great 10-15 mph winds for course racing on a triangle course Saturday (seven races), and three heats of slalom in 15-25 mph winds on Sunday. Thanks to the entire organizing committee and to all the sailors that came to the event.

RESULTS:    A Fleet  |  Sport Fleet

Picasa Photo Album, click thumbnail to view album. All pictures by Steve Callaway.

Dam Jam 2013


YouTube video of Adam Anderson warming up Sunday morning:

– Arden, EL11

2013 Walleye Wrap Up

Despite an unusually late spring this year, Lake Winnebago warmed up quickly and delivered great conditions for the 2013 Walleye Wagatta. Saturday started overcast but quickly warmed into the mid to upper 60s and we raced 3 course races. With onshore NE winds we set the starting line was within 20 yards of shore and Esther Monroe and Larry Reed did a fantastic job of running the starting sequences from shore. We raced a triangle course for the first lap followed by a windward-leeward second lap. The downwind finish brought us right back to shore and the RC did a great job keeping the races coming. Thank you guys a lot!

After the three course races we took about an hour break until 2pm and then did a distance race (counts two times, so R4 and R5 in the scoring) to the sailing launch at Deadwood Point. The wind started out about as strong as we had all day, but as it shifted more easterly we had several big lulls, shifts, and swirls. Kevin, Tim, and I ran a path closer to shore while Don, Alex, Peter, and Wayne took a route further from shore. As we approached the finish Don played the shifts the best and got to shore in 1st place, followed by Tim Cleary as he snaked along the shoreline. Alex made it next from the outside group then Kevin and I followed. Peter and Wayne finished up the mix of inside path vs outside path.

The finish of the race was at the cooler of beverages that Larry and Esther drove up up to Deadwood. Everybody had a drink or two (or three) as we discussed the next race. We thought of racing all the way to the lighthouse at the south end of the lake but because of the unstable wind we decided the next race (again, distance races count twice, so R5 and R6 in the scores) would be back to Windpower.

The Sport Fleet of Andrea Gratton and Mark Schmitz took off a few minutes ahead of A Fleet and finished ahead of the A Fleet leaders. Way to go! In A Fleet, Alex Monroe jumped out to an early lead with the rest of the fleet mixing it up. We got close to Alex around midway, but then he stomped the gas and took off for a clear victory. Don Altmyer and Peter Hartwich sailed a tight race to finish 2nd and 3rd.

After racing we hung around Windpower sharing stories and watching Kevin clean some pan fish some local kids caught from the river and left for him. Mike Reed made it up from IL to join us, and the Koeberls and Deusters also stopped by to join the fun. Several of us went to dinner at Schwarz’s Supper Club and had a great time.

Sunday morning we got bright skies and great 10 mph NNE wind, so we went right into course racing. We ran four consecutive course races and every race saw hotly contested racing, especially on the first upwind leg. The A Fleet was very close throughout the day with all finishers typically completing the two lap course within a minute of each other.

Thank you to all the racers for coming, Esther and Larry for RC, and the entire Windpower crew for the prep work, equipment, and fantastic location. Thank you Mike Reed for assisting Kevin with the rebuild effort on the pontoon engine. Thank you to my Dad, Wayne Anderson, for all the help preparing for the event and with buoys and boat work over the weekend.

Results:    A Fleet    Sport Fleet

Next up on the MOWIND calendar is the Saylorville Dam Jam in Des Moines May 18-19. I’ll see you there!

– Arden

Dam Jam Notice of Race

“Low Boom” Larry Reed and the Iowa crew are pleased to announce the Notice of Race for the 2013 Saylorville Dam Jam. Larry says the lake levels are up to normal and he has once again ordered great wind and weather that the event has been blessed with in the past.

Click HERE to view the Notice of Race.

For pre-registration or more information contact:
Barry Tofteland: bt@webmcavoy.com , 515-491-4916
Larry Reed at Reedlj2000@aol.com , 515-371 2435