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MOWIND is on Facebook!

Now you can “Find us on Facebook” at: https://www.facebook.com/mowind.org

The Page Name is simply Mowind so you can also search that way.

We will still use the normal MOWIND website (www.mowind.org) to post news, but I will try to also link these updates on Facebook. This may make it easier for some people to stay in touch with MOWIND. I hope it will also make things more interactive.

Please try connecting with Mowind on Facebook and “Liking” us.

It’s getting warmer

Lake Winnebago gave us a fantastic session yesterday. Check out details on my blog

Remember that the Walleye Wagatta is in Fond du Lac next weekend (May 10-11) and Dam Jam is in Des Moines the weekend after (May 17-18). Details HERE.


Walleye Wagatta and Dam Jam Notices of Race

Spring is here and it’s time to start thinking about Windsurfing! Lake Winnebago thawed this weekend and I’ve heard from several sailors across the Midwest that have already had their first sessions on the water.

MOWIND is committed to another great year of racing, and is proud to announce these two events coming up in May.

****   Walleye Wagatta Notice of Race, LINK    ****

****   Dam Jam Notice of Race, LINK    ****

May 10-11 is the Walleye Wagatta in Fond du Lac, WI. This race will take place at the fantastic park across fromWindpower Windsurfing. Please refer to the Notice of Race and contact me with any questions. arden.EL11@gmail.com 920-two51-8six48

May 16-18 is the Dam Jam in Des Moines, IA. This event is part of the US Windsurfing National Race Tour and has great wind every year. It takes place on Lake Saylorville just north of Des Moines. Please refer to the Notice of Race and contact Barry or Larry with any questions.

Barry Tofteland: bt@webmcavoy.com 515-4nine1-49one6 or Larry Reed at Reedlj2000@aol.com 515-3seven1-24three5

See you on the water!

Lake Winnebago is Open

Lake Winnebago is open. The windsurfing season is starting!

2013 Mille Lacs Kona Cup

Twelve racers competed on Kona boards on Lake Mille Lacs in Garrison, MN September 28-29. Mike Fox did a great job racing the fleet 5 races each day. It is always great sailing on Lake Mille Lacs, and it was even more interesting with the entire fleet on the equalized Kona gear.

Check out pictures from the event in this Photo Album.

Results: 2013 Mille Lacs Kona Cup

– Arden, EL11