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Windpower Championships next weekend

The Windpower Championships are next weekend. Click HERE for details.

2014 Door County Breeze

We had great wind and weather for the Door County Breeze this weekend. Saturday morning had 10-25 mph winds and we did three course races before breaking for lunch. At the post-lunch skipper’s meeting Steve announced that we would do one more course race followed by a long distance race (counts as two) that took us further out into the bay. This gave us 6 races for the day. We ended the day with a fantastic meal and great raffle prizes (like ice cream coupons, etc) right at the race site. The whole Vande Corput family did an excellent job hosting the event, as usual.

Sunday morning we had a bit of rain that we waited to pass –  that was easy given the numerous places for breakfast so close to the launch. Once the weather cleared we had 8-15 mph winds for another round of course racing. We did three races in a row and then wrapped up the event with some more raffle items and then awards.

Click for RESULTS

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Photos of slalom at US Windsurfing

Slalom action on Thursday at US Nationals in Worthington, MN. Photos courtesy of “Low Boom” Larry Reed.

Slalom Photos

US Nationals Results

Course Racing Results

Formula  |  Kona  |  A Fleet  |  Sport

Slalom Results

Open Slalom  |  Kona Slalom

Day 4 – slalom

We had storms this morning into the early afternoon, but were able to eventually hit the water for another round of slalom. The round robin groups were resorted with snaked seeding based on Thursday’s results. A full round of nine heats was run, giving us 3 full rounds/ 12 heats for the event.

Slalom Results  |  Kona Slalom